In this video, Land Rights Lawyer Philip Hundl shows you how surface sites can be screened with opaque fencing. If Philip can help guide you through the condemnation process, please call 800-266-4870 or text 979-320-9320 to set up a meeting. Philip helps landowners all over Texas and he can meet with you in person, online or by phone.

Do You Want to Screen Surface Sites on Your Land?

Hi, Phil Hundl here. I’m out on an on-site inspection in Hamilton County, and I saw something I want to bring to everyone’s attention. As a landowner, if you have an above ground appurtenance that will be constructed on your property, such as a valve site or surface site, it’s important to be aware of it. We have an example of two surface sites right behind me.

One has lattice fencing—opaque, tan fencing—while the other one has plain fencing with no screening. Obviously, you can see the appurtenances that are on the surface site with the plain fence.

If you, as a landowner, are notified and informed that you’re going to have a surface site on your property in addition to the pipeline easement, you should ask, or have your attorney ask, what will be located on the surface site. If you wish to have opaque fencing, your attorney should request it in a timely manner, and hopefully, you can have that included.

Get the Help You Need to Protect Your Rights

Eminent domain law and the condemnation process are complex. You need a lawyer with experience to protect your Texas landowner rights during the process. Call Philip at 800-266-4870 or text 979-320-9320 to set up a meeting. He helps landowners all over Texas and he can meet with you in person, online or by phone.

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