Philip Hundl Interview with KXAN TV San Antonio

The following video is a news story from KXAN TV in Austin regarding the impacts of the Matterhorn Express Pipeline on a Central Texas Landowner. WPHK Attorney Philip Hundl is interviewed in the story, and he talks about how landowners can protect their rights in the face of pipeline condemnation.

If you’d like an appointment with Mr. Hundl, please call our office at 800-266-4870. Appointments can be in-person, online or by phone.

You can also contact our office for a no-obligation evaluation of your condemnation case.

Landowner shares concerns about the Matterhorn Express Pipeline Project

KXAN TV also recorded a longer interview with Mr. Hundl and it’s available below. Because of the way KXAN shared the video, it can take a minute to load and YouTube will start with an advertisement. Please be patient.

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